Are you thinking of investing in the tourism sector in Puglia and don’t know how to start? Contact us for investment advice in properties of tourist interest in Puglia. We take care of the search for the best properties on the market, renovation, furnishing, government incentives, start-up and management when it is not occupied by you.
Often those who want to undertake a real estate investment of tourist interest and the relative professionals to whom they normally rely, do not fully understand the needs and requirements of an international clientele, such as the one who visits us, or have no idea of how much each single intervention can improve, be useless or worsen the income from the property. Numerous and substantial errors are made in good faith both in the purchase of the right property to be used for this purpose, and in the renovation and furnishing. For this reason we create an all-inclusive consultancy services, to help manage each phase, from the sale to the renovation and refurbishment.
Why rely on WePuglia?

Incentive to do the best for you
We manage houses, apartments and villas with swimming pools in the main tourist areas of Puglia. Our goal is to get you a profitable property. It is our interest to let you buy and make income from of the best properties on the market, not only for consultancy, but also for managing it when it is not occupied by you.

Transparent consultancy
We work only for the potential investor, we do not take supplier commissions to avoid conflicts of interest. We don’t do real estate brokerage, we take care of consulting for the buyer, evaluating all the properties on the market, both from private individuals and from real estate agencies, quantifying the times and costs of carrying out the project.

Selected partners
We carefully select all our partners who will participate in the project, architects, engineers, surveyors, construction companies, subsidized finance, etc. Our interest will be to offer you professionals who respect delivery times as far as possible and who have excellent value for money in the work carried out.

Conoscenza delle esigenze degli ospiti
Le esigenze di un turista internazionale che soggiorna per pochi giorni sono molto specifiche e diverse da quelle del proprietario dell’immobile, da quelle di chi ci deve soggiornare per lunghi periodi e generalmente dalle indicazioni date dall’architetto abituato ad esigenze abitative differenti. Spesso gli errori commessi in fase di ristrutturazione e arredamento non possono essere sanati. Per questo è importante consultarci per tempo.
Conoscenza del mercato turistico
Conosciamo meglio di chiunque altro i prezzi di soggiorno di ogni tipologia di immobile e l’occupazione media in ogni area geografica della Puglia. La conoscenza del mercato dei soggiorni turistici in Puglia viene messa al tuo servizio per ricercare il miglior immobile per rendimento e acquisizione di valore nel tempo.

Conoscenza delle migliori aree in cui comprare
Certo la Puglia è tutta bella, ma non tutte le zone geografiche hanno avuto e avranno in futuro lo stesso sviluppo turistico. È cruciale acquisire immobili in zone strategiche con determinate caratteristiche, in modo da non essere trascurate da chi deve prenotare la sua vacanza, soprattutto in media e bassa stagione.